The “Epirus Archive” was founded in 1938, as a section of the Zosimaia Public Central Library of Ioannina, with the aim of “collecting and preserving every written monument related to the history of Epirus” (Law 1161/31-3-1938, article 7). The Zosimaia Library and the Epirotic Archive operated with a grant from the Charity Stores from their foundation until 1978, when the Zosimaia Library became a public library (Law 1168/1978).

In 1991 the Epirotic Archive became independent from the Zosimaia Library, was renamed “GAK – Archives of the Prefecture of Ioannina” (Law 1946/14-5-1991, Vol. A, No. 69, Article 18, No. 37) and since 2005 it has been operating at the level of a Directorate based in Ioannina (Government Gazette 260, Vol. A, Law 3404/17-10-2005, Article 21). They are subordinate to the Central Service (K.Y.) which operates at the level of General Directorate and is responsible for the supervision and coordination of the individual Directorates and Departments, at central and regional level (Law 4610/2019, Government Gazette 70/7-5-2019)

The role and prospects of the General Archives in Epirus